Thanks for rocking with us for the entire pandemic (so far)! We started this podcast in April, when sports came to a screeching halt, to talk about historic sporting events and stories. With sports back despite life being anything but normal, we decided to update our look and our content for 2021. So, we changed the name of our newsletter and podcast to Ball & Order!
TL/DR: We’ll be doing debate shows now and some current topics in addition to our historical content. None of our links or anything change, so you don’t have to do anything. But please do tell your friends about us.
Why The Name Change?
“Ball and Order” was actually the name of this podcast when it was just an idea. Alex and I are both lawyers, so we thought of a bunch of names with legal ties for the show. When we decided to exclusively talk about historical topics, we went with Ball Through The Ages as the name to denote the subject matter.
Well, the sports world decided that the pandemic was over a few months ago and just went back to normal more or less. With a normal sports schedule, we have a bunch of stuff that we’d like to talk about but felt constrained to historical topics. Now, we won’t have that self-imposed barrier.
Also, Ball And Order just sounds better and is a better pun. Oh, I should point out that we aren’t in any way affiliated with NBC’s Law & Order. And no one tell them that we exist, please.
Why? Are You Worried That Law And Order Will Sue You?
Yes. But if we grow to the point that NBC cares enough to send us a cease and desist, that sounds like one of them good problems (to quote Marlo Stanfield).
What Do You Mean By New Content?
We’ll still be doing old game breakdowns on the podcast and articles on historical sports topics for the newsletter. We’re still on the Armchair Media Network and all that. The only difference will be us talking about more current topics.
For the podcast, we are going to do structured debate shows to talk about anything, current or historical. We also may sprinkle in emergency podcasts when big news breaks. We may do recent games in our game breakdown format.
For the newsletter, expect to get at least one article a week more consistently. By talking about contemporary subjects, we should be able to drop an article every week.
Our plans will likely change a bunch throughout the year, to be honest. But, we’re going to be creating more and talking about more topics than before! Seems good right?
How Is This Enterprise Going For You?
As every CEO of a Fortune 500 company will tell you, it’s not about the profits, it’s about the friends we made along the way….which is to say that we have made very few profits off this venture thus far. But we are definitely growing.
Our podcast has had its best month in terms of downloads in each of the last four months. The newsletter has 57 subscribers now, which is a 119% increase in the past four months. So, we don’t have a big audience but we’re having fun doing this and some of you seem to enjoy the content.
Our goal is to produce content that is valuable enough for you to pay for it. So please let us know if there’s anything that you are looking for specifically in a newsletter or podcast!
Thanks so much for reading this,
Gabe Ibrahim (and Alex Lange, who did not help with this post)
Follow us on Twitter: @ballandorder_
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Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or on whatever podcast app you use (you’re on your own for those links).